Re: Which nations represent order and good?
I would generally say that MA and LA Arco, Man (all eras), Eriu, Tir na n'Og, Tien Chi (practically all eras) and Ulm in EA and MA could be characterized as good. Utgård doesn't seem too bad either. Pythium in both MA and LA is also fairly good. MA Mictlan is perhaps the most directly goody-twoshoes nation. Ermor in EA is also a fairly nice one.
Marverni and the Van nations as well, except for the bit about the occasional human sacrifice.
From the point of view of being a citizen of one of them, that is. Hell, I'd pick any one of those for myself when compared to EA or LA Mictlan, any era Abysia, Gath, Hinnom or Ashdod, Yomi, Shinuyama, Lanka, R'lyeh or the other nonhuman nations or Machaka. Marignon is out due to ****ty living conditions and misery in the MA and devil worship and blood sacrifices in the LA.
MA Tien Chi would perhaps be the most tranquil and ordered one, or perhaps MA Ulm, with the greatest safety factor for the average citizen.