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Old March 25th, 2008, 04:22 AM
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Default Re: Which nations represent order and good?

Edi said:
I would generally say that MA and LA Arco, Man (all eras), Eriu, Tir na n'Og, Tien Chi (practically all eras) and Ulm in EA and MA could be characterized as good. Utgård doesn't seem too bad either. Pythium in both MA and LA is also fairly good. MA Mictlan is perhaps the most directly goody-twoshoes nation. Ermor in EA is also a fairly nice one.
You know, I was reading in the manual that EA Arco keeps slaves to support their way of life. There's not enough detail to tell whether MA and LA Arco do this. However it does rather complicate the question of who is evil if they do keep slaves. Maybe KO can help us out here.
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