March 25th, 2008, 03:55 PM
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Re: Caelum a bit cheap?
Foodstamp said:
BesucherXia said:
Besides, can someone clarify if the flying PD also get the patrol bonus?
I am 99% certain they do not get the patrol bonus because I believe the game counts them as the pd value worth of generic units until combat ensues, then the appropriate units are loaded. If they received the bonus, it would mean the game was storing an instance of that unit, which would carry affliction, experience and have to be tracked by the game towards the unit cap. Also, if units did receive the bonuses they normally get, certain nations would be at a severe disadvantage concerning catching scouts, spies, assassins and so forth.
Hmm... what you says makes sense, but I had the impression my scouts got caught a LOT more often by moderate PD of Caelum and the monkey nations. (loads of high AP markata's) I've allways thought this was because the troops were far better at patrolling, and saw it as the saving grace of these otherwise poor PD's. Anyone else knows for sure?
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