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Old March 25th, 2008, 09:48 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Jurri said:
How did you all know I was Ulm?
Well, I was reasonably sure you were Sauro, Fomoria or Ulm just from the early graphs. But Sauro used a lot of unorthodox summons I don't think you would have picked, and getting forge rolling seemed more your style than Fomoria's permanent state of rushing.

I'm not sure my pretender was such a bad choice. An awake PoD/Cyclops or blessing would have mopped up C'tis faster, but still not near fast enough that I wouldn't have been left in pretty much the same situation when Van attacked. And the free gems were suprisingly useful.
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