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Old March 26th, 2008, 12:39 AM
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Default Re: Which nations represent order and good?

Kristoffer O said:
I dominions you might speculate that a nation with strong dominion and order probably is more likely to abolish slavery. Every one is a believer and everyone knows his place in society. If everyone is working properly, there is perhaps less need for slaves. On the other hand, slavery in an orderly dominion might be ordered by god and less likely to disappear. If priests of a centralized faith have a strong influence, part in competition with the temporal powers of the nation, things might look even brighter. Pythium for example might have a history of slavery, but if your dominion is benevolent it might be that the Theurgs are taking a stand against it.
Hmm, here's a tricky thing though: Nazi Germany was an orderly place, but they also did many horrible things I won't bother mentioning. So it seems difficult to say that order equals goodness. When I started the thread, I was probably thinking of the old D&D cliche where lawful = good and chaotic = evil, and perhaps other people are too. I suppose one could say that Nazi Germany had death scales if you were to translate it into Dominions.

Or maybe there could be scales that explicitly define "goodness" vs "badness" or enlightened and unenlightened scales or purely roleplaying or character related scales. So then maybe Nazi Germany prefers "badness" scales and EA Mictlan like unenlightened or barbaric scales because they blood sacrifice. Of course this is probably not practical, but it interesting to speculate on what it would mean since we've opened up this can of worms.
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