Saxon said:
Here is another question. If you find 70% of sites with a level two search, has anyone done the math on how many sites you find with a level one search?
I have in mind those indy mages you get that have one level in path that you don’t have otherwise. With level one they are of limited value, but if they would catch a fair portion of sites, perhaps they are more useful that I thought.
Death, Astral and Blood 1 mages can casting site-searching spells straight off or after some hunting/empowering. Any way, Edi posted a list of sites where the relative commonness of sites of different levels was shown. Comparing those:
path: level 1 sites/level 2 sites
Fire 29/17
Air 31/14
Water 45/25
Earth 36/29
Astral 24/16
Death 33/20
Nature 37/24
Blood 20/12
Most paths have only 1 common level 2 site, but many common level 1 sites. I'd say level 1 searching finds about 2/3rds of the sites level 2 searcher would find.
Unique sites screw up the numbers somewhat. Earth has 10 unique level 2 sites, as an example, and Death has 9 unique level 1 sites and 6 unique level 2's...