March 27th, 2008, 07:31 PM
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Re: Warriors of the Five Elements.
Renojustin said:
I'm just sort of wondering here how you get Eye Of Void, 2 rings, Crystal Coin, and Spell Focus on the same caster. Not many have more than 2 miscellaneous slots.
Also, I did forget about the magical attack aspect of F9 bless, which can become very important against a lot of nations and strategies.
2x 14 ATK, 16 damage mundane attacks just isn't very impressive when weighed against 4x attacks at 18 ATK (and can be considered 6 attacks with fire). While it's true that there aren't very many units in EA with outstanding protection, that only makes your attacks more powerful as you can overwhelm two lightly protected units with each WotFE per turn. And of course you still have to consider thugs and SCs, which will all have very good protection.
Go look at the oracle for T'ien Ch'i. It has 4 misc slots.