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Old March 27th, 2008, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: New semi-newbie game!

Firewalker said:
A conversation overheard somewhere in the Nariun Sea by a particularly sentient seagull flying by:

Nagini: "If you could just keep this appetite for Huskarls under control we wouldn't be ..."

Nagaraja: "No one mentioned that it SNOWS in those mountains at this time of year?! You know how sllloooowww Nagas get in the winter time -- it's time to sleep!"

Nagini: "Oh, why don't you just eat a shambler and shut up while we swim back to a nice warm lake somewhere back home!"

Nagaraja: "Hah! Not for long: I'll have Jotun Woodsman on a plate before this is OVER!"

[A shambler whimpers as it is bitten by the Nagaraja.]

Needless to say, the Seagull nearly fell out of the sky laughing to itself. The shamblers however did not look very amused.
Those Huskarls did manage to give the Naga's a bit of indigestion this week with the help of their larger kin ... Sometimes I manage to have a nice battle in spite of my crappy troop placement and troop mix.


PS My bandwidth on the ship reached speeds typical of 1996 today. Thought I'd jump on the forum.
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