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Old March 28th, 2008, 06:23 PM

CUnknown CUnknown is offline
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Default Re: Global War, recruiting!

Woah awesome idea, Drake49!

It makes me think I would have to drop out and be a full-time host, though. Someone would have to distribute the secret enemies.

Also, I worry that it might nerf Evil too badly, though.. maybe Good should drop back down to 4 players. It would make extra sense for me to drop out, then.

Let's consider these options, not make any concrete plans yet.

Edit: Actually, I think what would happen would be, Evil would ignore their secret enemies until Good is destroyed, then ignore Neutral until very late. These secret enemies are great for Neutral, horrible for Good. Good might should be able to keep 5 players.

I disagree with the 15 watcher idea, too. The Neutrals will be pretty stout already with 1500 gold and an iron mine, lol.
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