I've been saying that it won't happen since the start. Check post #592492 : "It could require (a lot of) work from the devs". My next posts also say it :
"That is ONE solution among many that make it work. It could require too much changes to game mechanics. I propose it anyway, who knows, maybe it'll be there for dominions 4."
"I hope that this time I won't get stupids answers like "you change the game" or "it's not going to be this way because it requires too much work", because it's off-topic."
I don't have the vanity to decide whether the adjustements would really require too much work, however. I've never seen or modified the dominions 3 code, after all.
If you say "it won't happen because the workload could be too much", I would just have said yes, and left the matter pass as I intended. If someone says "it doesn't work because the workload is too important", it's simply wrong. A solution can work even if it is not put in place, even if another one is better. For example, you can cross an ocean with a plane, a boat, a bridge, or a tunnel. The tunnel and bridge will probably never be put into place because it would take too much ressources, but the tunnel and bridge solution still works regarless.
I didn't answer again and again because I want this solution to be in the game. I answered because the arguments that were put to silence it were wrong.