Yes, one should have a No-Dashi, looks like I missed a " mark. Fixed.
I want the bandits to be less equiped than other bandits, hence scale mail rather than full Ashigaru and no helmet. I may try to change the graphic a little to show this more.
The troop scaling concept was. Armoured with spear (bandit) and then skilfull with swords and then into the specialist ninja and finally on the skillfull and armoured Masters of Death.
Poisoners need looking at. They are using the woodsman blowpipe which doesn't seem to be very effective. The poisoners are meant to be shorter range but deadly missle combatants.
Will look at ninja spirits. They are intended to be between shades and spirit mastery. I may just have set the astral cost too high.
I also fixed Geisha, I had not set them to female...which basically meant there were lots of ugly lady boys running round trying to seduce commanders.
I've probably made the one hero I've done too powerful at the moment too but I'll see.
Thanks for the feedback Juzza. Will upload a fix for that lot shortly