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Old March 31st, 2008, 04:09 PM

Wyatt Hebert Wyatt Hebert is offline
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Default Re: Blood Hunting Bonuses

Alright, then. I guess it was something I convinced myself of. I will still test it to see if it was somehow added in.

As for the test involved, I'm thinking, 10 B Bloodhunters with Dowsing Rods, 2 per province, for 30 turns? That would give us:

300 hunts
Almost certainly zero unrest for all the hunting.
20% chance of a hunt failing completely.
d6(oe)+2 Slaves per success.

That would suggest 240d6(oe)+480 Slaves total... hmm... might have to reduce the total number of hunts and increase the iterations.

So... 50 Hunts would be 40d6(oe)+80 Slaves, which wouldn't overflow and have to stocked somewhere. Also only 5 turns once it is set up (and I could back up the game to run each test). 10-20 iterations would be nearly trivial to run at that point, and give pretty good average pull/hunt.

Also plan to have it be the only two nations in the game, with Order3/Dom10 Awake/Dormant Pretender so that I can, hopefully, minimize random events, or is this considered necessary?

Any input on checking this?

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