No worries Drake. But FYI this is the line that bugged me
Drake49 said:
Arco spent little time on this game...
because that is not true.
But it is all good
FYI the reason there were no tactics in that last battle was because those troops were not intended to leave my capital - that is what I meant when I said earlier that I made a mistake - not sure how the little rebels escaped but my intention was to have them defend the castle and thus no battlefield placement was necessary at the moment. I must have accidentally clicked on something that caused them to move. Even worse, it landed them in the path of your Horde.
That was a fatal error.
As for the MoD incident, the only thing sad about that was a player quit. I am certainly not mad about it and never was - my reaction to the move was shock. If you go back to my original post, you'll see I was trying to figure out if that was a real strategy, and if so how it could be countered because my initial impression was it was going to wipe me out every time.
Finally, as for trying to incite the world against Great Khan Huo, that is just DC-style diplomacy. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
And like that... he is gone.