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Old April 2nd, 2008, 01:49 AM
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AdmiralZhao AdmiralZhao is offline
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Default Re: Need (clean) earth boots

The Prophet of Mictlan looked down at the 9th set of boots before him. Like the previous 8 sets he had tried on, they were large, stained with blood, and mind-shatteringly odoriferous.

"No. I'm not trying on another pair."

"But sir, these were the boots we recovered from the slain Argathan mages. Any one of them could be the Earth Boots that we seek. With a pair of those boots, we could open up entirely new fields of magical research. It would revolutionize our infantry combat, and"

"No! I'm not putting my feet in another one of the Argathan cesspools. Send out another wave of messengers. Send them to Marveni, Oceania, Tien Chi, even the duplicitous Abysians. Let them know that we seek Earth Boots. I don't care about the cost. Just make sure...just make sure that they are clean."
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