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Old April 4th, 2008, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War

Velusion said:

You left out the part where you blab every PM that your neighbors send you to any other party for your own gain.

*note to self: Never negotiate with Don*
OMG that is the most disingenuous spin ever! Hilarious!

Corwin said:
Velusion said:
O' Reeeeeaaaallly?

Geez the amount of lies and false promises given out by both Sauromatia at Vanheim is pretty disgusting.

(edit: once the 3 turn NAP is over you can have my lands Vanheim. I'm going to bring all my resources to bear and try to completely squash Sauro if at all possible. Heck I'll even give you my gems when I'm done!)
Wow, wow, slow down Velusion. There are too many accusations floating around already.

I didn't lie to anybody, and I *never* break any in-game agreements, neither in this game no in any other games of mine. And I've been playing MP Dominions 2/3 for several years.

You have attacked me this turn without declaration of war. Vanheim did the same (or so I thought). Your attack I have repelled, since I saw it coming last turn when you have suddenly moved 2 armies to my border and ignored my messenger. But stealth attack by Vanheim caught me completly by surprise, and he conquered my province next to the castle that I just successfully defended against your armies. I assume you have put some scouts over my territory in preparation for your attack? They can confirm my words - see that new red province to the west of my castle?

Now because you and Vanheim both attacked me at the same time and at the same spot, naturally I've assumed that you are acting together in alliance against me. Clearly you are strong and experienced player, so ask yourself please - would you not assume the same if you would be in my shoes?

Since I knew I have no chance in hell of winning the war against both you and Vanheim, and after I didn't get reply to my "WTH?!?" PM from Vanheim, I have tried to convince you to break away from your alliance with Vanheim. Re-read my original PM to you that I've sent two hours ago. It is very clear that I was acting based upon an assumption that you and Vanheim are attacking me together. I spelled it in the beginning of the letter.

But then I have received PM from Vanheim who said that his attack on me was just an accident - he was simply moving stealth troops over my territory, and that he didn't want to attack me. He apologized for this accident and I believe him.

After that I've sent my 2nd message to you, explaining the situation in details and apologizing for my own role in confusion.

I swear that every word of this letter is true, that's what happened this turn. You can ask Vanheim if you like. And you have your own scouts to confirm it.

If you still don't want to believe me - it's your choice. But frankly I was very surprised that you blame me for some "lies and deception".

Now if you want to go after me with all you have - that's fine. You have attacked me this turn yourself, didn't you? If you for some unknown reason will decide to throw this game to one nation or another - I don't think it is a very sportsman-like choice - but it's your call, I can't do anything about it.

But I dislike being blamed for something that I have no part in whatsoever.

What did I say that Corwin hadn't already said?

What PM did I mention?

I had more to gain by remaining silent, but would rather defend someone who was accused of being deceitful and whose post referenced me confirming their words!
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.
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