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Old April 4th, 2008, 04:06 AM
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Default Re: Marverni prospers

Velusion said:
*rolls eyes*

Whatever... you say one thing (we can work it out) and then another (I won't accept peace!). A truce gains me nothing because you'll surely march on me immediately when it's over.

No it looks like I'm going to have to throw everything I can at you immediately.
Velusion, I think you are very smart guy and you must have already realized what has happened this turn, and now you are just trying to play me and get the best out of the difficult situation that you have put yourself into by attacking me. And now you are accusing me of double talk. <sigh>

By "we can work it out" (although I never used these specific words) I meant "we can work out what has really happened this turn", and you know it very well. Once it become clear that Vanheim's attack on me was an accident I never indicated that I want any type of truce with you, and you know it. I said that much in my PM to you, remember?

You have attacked me, you made your choice, now you are trying to backpedal simply because you have realized that you neighbors are going to take advantage of the situation (surprise!)

So now you are threatening to destroy me utterly while helping nations who declare war on you to take over your territory and then you demand that I accept long lasting NAP with you while you deal with others. Sorry but it is not going to work with me.

Here is a bottom line - there are three possible scenarios for you:

1. If you agree with what have happened this turn (and you don't have to take my words - you have your own scouts to prove it) than you must understand that it is contrary to my nation's interest to agree to NAP with you in such situation. But at the same time you have no reason whatsoever to be pissed at my nation because I never betrayed or lied to you in any way, and because it was you who attacked me just last turn, not the other way around.

2. If you are still not convinced in this version of events but would be interested in seeing more proof, I am willing to forward you all PMs I've sent and received this turn (with Vanheim's permission).
These PMs, together with its timing, will show you beyond any doubt that I am telling the truth.

3. But if you still don't believe me despite everything that was said and your own scouts reports, than it doesn't make any sense for you to offer me NAP in the first place - because it would make me devious backstabbing bastard of such magnitude that Machiavelli himself would be a pale shadow near me. While it is kindof flattering, I am afraid I do not measure up even if I would try very hard.

Anyway, do whatever you want, I am getting tired of all this drama.
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