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Old April 4th, 2008, 12:02 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: triple blessed jaguar warrior

Yeah, you've got at least two hits negated, one by the astral bless, one by the form shift, but you're still fighting lightly armored guys with no shield. In the early game, archers and chaff. You're gonna have to hit each jaguar *at least* 3 times to kill them, so don't underestimate the amount of archers you need. With the F/W bless it's pretty much not worthwhile to send anything decent into melee, so just drown them in bodies. Longdead would be ideal, but failing that - does Patala get those tiny monkey guys? Their moral is crap, but if you give them sermon of courage in a friendly domain they should last a few rounds, and if you've got a bunch of higher hitpoint archers behind them they shouldn't route your whole army when they do break. Swarm should work to if you can grab that. The name of the game is stalling them long enough for each of them to get hit 3 or 4 times by arrows.

As your magic progresses, blade wind is quite fearsome vs Jaguars for obvious reasons. Many other evocations can be quite effective to, just always keep in mind you're gonna have to hit each one 3 times regardless of how much damage you things like gifts from heaven and soul slay are going to be not too useful.

You could go the other way as well and try to fatigue them. Stellar cascades in sufficient numbers should neuter them nicely, aided by numbness, etc.
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