Thread: Dark Elves?
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Old April 5th, 2008, 12:00 AM

Lurker_at_Threshold Lurker_at_Threshold is offline
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Default Re: Dark Elves?

I really like Valandil assessment of the dark elves but I would have some suggestions. The darkelves are not the nicest race in the world with much of their society being centered around the cult of murder, with a ruling cabal of dark mages subservient to their witch king. That being said my suggestions are the following.

Dark elves should be a cold 1 race with units that are generally expensive in both gold and resources. I think Valandil has the stats down though I would be tempted to lower the strength to 9 for the base units.

Witchelves-Sacred, Berzerk +1, 2 weapons-1 dagger 1 shortsword, unarmored save possibly for a protection 1 headress.

Assassin-Sacred as well, really really good stats, poison

Sorceress-1D (210%D,S,B,W,F)

High Sorceress-Cap only. 1D 1S (410% D,S,B,W,F)

Witch Priestess-same stats and equipment as witch elves. H1 B1. Kill pop?

Hag Queen-Cap Only. weaker stats and same equipment as witch elves. H2 B2 (20%B) Old?, Kill pop?


Hydras-largely agree with you, I'm thinking they would be a death gem. conj 3.

Manticores-same as crossbreed variety. death gem. conj 4-5.

Black Dragon-very powerful. death gem. conj 8-9

Cauldron of Blood-immobile in battle, map move 1, H-3, healer. Blood cost. Construction 6.

Anointed-your idea is about right, possibly make them demons, I'm thinking blood 6-7.

Avatar-powerful SC, titan comparable stats, built in iron skin buff, Sacred, Demon, Berzerk +3, Fear. magic wise (400% B,D)

Possibly make the witch king as a unique summon though I'm more tempted to make him a pretender option given he would gamewise, be an extremely powerful mage, super combatant, mounted on a black dragon...


Morathi-An immortal (agewise) sorceress who is the mother/lover of the witchking/pretender? and active both in the cult of murder and pleasure. Keeps immortality by bathing in original cauldron of blood. High Sorceress stats, Awe, Sacred. H-2 4D 3B 3S

Crone Hellebron- chief hag queen of cult of murder and principal rival of Morathi for witchking/pretender's? favor. extremely old. same stats as witch elves, built in magic sword that gives insanely high strength (warhammer strength 10) H-3 B-4, fear, old. mounted on manticore?

Hotek (I like him in terms of background, he gives DE limited access to earth) A former highpriest of a forge god Vaul. He stole Vaul's hammer upon the ascendancy of the witchking/pretender? and swore his loyalty to him. weak stats, sacred, blind, horror marked? forge bonus, E-3 B-1.
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