Re: Dark Elves?
Good call, I forgot the cauldron of blood. It needs "onebattlespell" Touch of Madness or somesuch. I'll trawl through the grimoire soon.
Anointed are demons, yes.
I can't think of a Dark Elven avatar? What is this, an avatar of the bloody handed one, or Slaanesh, or something else?
All Dark elves are VERY long-lived (Morathi, Malekith, Helleborn are 5000+ years old...)
I don't think the Witch elves should be sacred, really. They're just too common for that, IMHO- they're a core choice. Black Guard are 0-1 Rare, and just about hte most elite infantry in the world (post revision.
DE manticores are not really like the crossbreeding ones... but maybe, for sake of clarity, they'll stay that way.
I was going to do cold 2- Naggaroth does mean "the land of chill," and the archetypal DE spell is "Chill Wind." (Nagaeryth of the Uttercold, if you're a loon.)
...Spells of the Druchii...
Chill Wind:
WH- 24", D6 S3, wounded units cannot shoot next phase.
Dom- AoE 1, low damage, fatigue secondary. Cold damage.
Doom Bolt:
WH- 18", D6 S5
Dom- Something along hte lines of an AoE 1 shadow bolt.
Word of Pain:
WH- 24", target unit is WS1 BS1, remains in play.
Dom- Maybe an easily negated AoE 3 blindness
Soul Stealer:
WH- 12", each model in target unit takes an S3 hit. Wounds dealth given to the sorceress.
Dom- AoE 3 low damage drain life.
WH- Prevent one action of target unit next turn.
Dom- Confusion maybe, or even Enslavement. Not sure.
Black Horror:
WH- 24", Strength Test or 1 wound, no save. Uses the big template (5") Units hurt tkae panic tests.
Dom- Not totally sure. Pretty powerful (its on a 12+ in WH) so maybe even a small area death on failed mr, with a terror "nextspell" effect?
This mod is much more fun to make than wading through ten thousand demons for Chaos, so I might actually finish.
Strangely, I play Orcs, and havn't even thought about doing them.
Also, updating preview again.
Unus vocis. Unus manus. Unus Universitas. Unus Deus. Is est meus fatum praeeo pro totus populus.
Ut est meus fortuna.