Thread: Dark Elves?
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Old April 5th, 2008, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: Dark Elves?

Some notes:
Witch elves were repeatedly named sacred in Army Books. And idea of Cauldron blessing them is nice. I, though, planned Hag Queen on Cauldron to be made commander and priest of higher level than usual.
Dragons in DE army are not independent. I would make Prince on dragon recruitable (though VERY costly), with Dragon acting for itself if Prince is heavily wounded (I know this is approximation, but I think it better than flying Dragons led by commander in Winged boots).
To Valandil:
As I understand it, Speed of Assurian was given to HE especially to make them best in something, i.e., to give their army an unique strength. So no, Druchii won't in all likeness get "something similar". Though I've heard that they are going to get poisoned weapons for most troops... To translate their still high Initiative, I plan to use high Defense (+2 to Attack value as of now). And regarding repeating crossbow I plan to make it #att 2 with limited ammo (for now it has 10 in my list, as actual Chinese weapon had, but as bows were given only ammo 12 in Dominions, it would probably need to get less - or get Attack penalty to reflect WH Multishot penalty).
As for aging - note that Malekith, Morathi and Hellebron are all mighty sorcerers, as are all High Elf characters known as very long-lived (read: Ritual of Youth).
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