Re: Regarding Niefelheim
I admit, I'm pretty amazed I survived longer than Niefelheim.
Long-term outlook is bleak for me right now. Abysia just seems to be waiting for my ultimate collapse to snap up the rest of my territory, while in the meantime just keeping me around to make sure Lanka doesn't become too big a threat. (And, while I'm at war with Lanka, my threat to him is basically nil.)
I propose a 3-way truce between Tie'n Ch'i, Lanka, and Kailasa to last at least the next 10 turns to give us the opportunity to get our ducks in a row and confront other threats while we still have the chance. The fighting so far has been indecisive, and we could either continue to drag things out while certain other countries continue to surpass us further, or we can negotiate a settlement that, though unpalatable, best preserves our chances of ultimate victory in the game.