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Old April 7th, 2008, 02:01 PM
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Default Re: Urgent Thug advice needed

> 1. a thug should have luck
> 2. and at least def or prot above 20-25
> 3. a shield is always nice against arrows, one that attacks/hinders enemies is better
> 4. a lot of HP never hurts
> 5. AoE damage helps a lot

You forgot the most important one:
0. A thug must keep his fatigue below 20 against his current opponents.

Which means either reinvigoration greater that his encumberance times his actions
per round, a life drain weapon or soul vortex. Of course, having all three is
nice, but much too hard to achieve without compromising something important. Once
you look at that list, you realize that thugs don't come much better than
Early Age Niefel Jarls.
No good deed goes unpunished...
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