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Old April 7th, 2008, 03:43 PM
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Default Re: Charming enemy commander - bug?

Kristoffer O said:
Check battle report as well. You can get a negative value here if you charm more than you lose. If you lost none, and charmed two and there is not a negative you might be the victim of the replay bug.

Thank you for the reply Kristoffer. Unfortunately it is almost impossible for me to be 100% sure that if I have lost any commanders or not - I had 54 commanders in the battle all over the place, many with mirror images, and arrows and spells were flying all over the place for 20 turns.

However I don't think I have lost any commanders. And I had indeed zero change in commander numbers in summary screen.

More important, after reading your reply I took a very close look at the battle and I think you are right. There were 2 naga units that enemy had. According to my replay I've killed them both, but after battle I had one nage charmed.

So it looks like it may be indeed a reply bug. I remeber seeing it long time ago at Dom2, when host and clients were using different patches or different OS. But this is not the case in our game (DangerPudding). So why did this bug happen to me?
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