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Old April 7th, 2008, 03:54 PM

Cerlin Cerlin is offline
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Default Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi

Well Renojustin, if you are so angry at me feel free to start your own thread as well, as others have suggested. I am a hundred percent sure people will just love to join it and that Llamabeast will happily host it if you are polite to him, Ive never known him to turn down a game.

I am sorry if you are personally angry at my decisiveness, it is my nature. No insult intended but If you would like to take it that way, that is your freedom. I personally have no ill will.

As for everyone else who asked to join, please give me some time to go over all the requests and I will get back to you about it today.
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