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Old April 8th, 2008, 11:08 AM

Renojustin Renojustin is offline
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Default Ascendant - Game On!

We're about to start an EA game for players who are new to Multiplayer. It will be version 3.15 with pure default settings on a medium sized random map. We'll probably get the Llamameister to host a PBEM, or if there's a lot of uproar for an Autohost, we'll see what we can do, but there shouldn't be, because you shouldn't know the difference, because I don't. HA! But really, this scenario will be limited to those who have 0-2 games played or playing please.

Sign-up will be limited to 15 players total; we don't want to lock what should be new players into maybe making some poor design choices in their first game, dragging on into the summer...

Renaming and graphs will be on. I expect to see some hilarious units out there; expectations are high.

Shortlist exploits will be carefully weighed and considered for censure. Probably almost anything on there that doesn't explicitly prevent a valid style of play from any given nation will be frowned upon and more.

Let's just get in there and have a random, wild, and clean first round of Dominions, boys!

Renojustin - Sauromatia (daddy didn't love us)
Kasnavada - Abysia (molten hot lava lamps)
Ossa - Helheim (if you can't beat em, hang yourself)
Darkwind - R'yleh (we're here, we're weird, get used to it)
FrozenFalcon - Tir na n'Og (Pretty hot compared to Fir Bolgs)
Mozkito - C'tis (full nude serpent dancers nightly)
Wrana - Ulm (the height of antler-based fashion)
Frumious - T'ien C'hi (I'm dynamite, and I'll win the fight)
Fickle - Fomoria (how do you like my curse, Cursedy?)
Shigure - Kailasa (we don't need no stinkeeng PD)
Zenzei - Caelum (good raptor, that's a pretty raptor)
charshep (now Carkaton) - Atlantis (de seaweed is always greena in somebody else's lake)
secretperson - Lanka (eep)
deadboi - Marverni (with optional pointy nipple attack in cold domain)
Vellon - Arcoscephale (hemlock shots all around)

Victory Condition: Hold 7 capitals and fortifications for 1 turn.

Map: pre-randomized, amazingly tactical and balanced map, 225 provinces

Hosting period will be 24 hours for the first ten or twenty turns, and then if there's popular support for it, we can move to 48 hours.

***NEW - Download the Ascendant map files, it's the attachment at the top of the post!***
Attached Files
File Type: rar 595727-maps.rar (3.26 MB, 370 views)
Sauromatia: Lawful Evil
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