Blah blah blah, my first public mod.
I don't know how many conflicts it will have, as i haven't downloaded and looked at many other mods. If anyone has that information handy, i'd like to take a look at it. I tried to pick fairly random consecutive numbers.
It is a Middle Age Mod.
Nation Number 78
Units: 2850 - 2866
Armors: 280 - 287
Weapons: 680 - 683
Sites: 780 - 782
Remaining problems:
I don't know how to format text to display correctly. The biggest issue being the nation summary is cut off.

Some of the custom units I have made for this mod. If you want to use them for something else, go ahead.
The wizard on the left replaces the old lavamancer. I also redid the crimson commander and edited the battle maiden. All sprites have been cleaned up. Flag and banner have been created.
Original screen
Still needs a little more testing, but it is practically done at this point.
Comments and criticism welcome.