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Old April 10th, 2008, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: Late Era Team Game

DrPraetorious said:
ZOMG oh noes, someone could *win*! We can't have that.

Beware thou the terrible Nerf Bat, which comes in the night and strikes down the proud and the powerful.

I'm much more concerned with balance between overall strategies (Supercombatant vs. Bless, for example,) than with balance among chassis choices. There is infinite room for cool powers, and more are always welcome - so if a given chassis never gets used, give it cool stuff until people want to play it.
I don't mind if people win. But I get a bit annoyed when people try to win . People who try to win tend to take what's best, instead of what's cool. If this causes the players who don't need to win to be repeatedly defeated by PoD's they get bored and quit playing the game, or become boring themselves.

Of course it is better to make more things cool, but I find it unlikely that I would be able to coolify all gods to the same level. When one god is empowered and coolified you will suddenly need to do the same to new gods, in an never ending race for COOL. This is called inflation

It is my perception of almost every game I've played that sooner or later the creators fall for the lure of inflating what's cool or powerful. I'm actually proud to say that one of the first mages in the dominions, is still one of the most powerful, namely the Arch Theurg.

True, cool =! powerful, but some believe that they are. I suspect even fewer would play the Mother of Monsters if she was cooler and ate population in a province .

On the matter of blesses/SC's. What are your thoughts?
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