Re: Weapon adjustments
Personally, I've made quite a few adjustments to make things more balanced, especially since the APB was the only weapon that made real sense.
Some of my many adjustments:
-Shields naturally regen every round (10% of max)
-Shield Regen components are somewhat cheaper, smaller and more effective (regen 30% of max, for the shield it's paired with)
-Better armor, up to 80kt protection, plus (after-battle)regeneration
-Torps have a 10%-25% hit bonus, depending on level of torp research)
-Tweaked the damage of the ripper/incinerator/wave-motion line of weapons to make them more relevant vs the other weapons
-Added two levels to the DUC, max range of 7, max base damage of 50
Personally I find it makes the game much more fun and challenging and corrects several imbalances with the stock weapons/defenses.