Re: Rlyeh
There was only one PM and what I wrote was supposed to a phrase like one can see in a movie, when the bad guys hurt someone the good guy cares for and then he goes ballistic and kicks their asses. It was supposed to be funny, but maybe I should have put a smiley in it.
A larger number of your archers fired on my yavanas (pd archers I guess) and a smaller group came forward and fired on a single yaksha commander who was standing alone in the middle right of my placement space. They made no difference, because they fired at him till the end of the combat and didn't kill him. Of course I accept I can be wrong, but the yaksha is the same size as everyone else (although has 5 hp more), so I would think that those archers would shoot the closest large units in the biggest group. On the first turn they didn't even shoot at the units in their range, but moved forward.
I guess I was out of line in the last post. Sorry about that. But still it seems to me like they were targeting that one specific commander from the start of the battle. I would like to hear what the player with the spy thinks.