Re: Mod: The Eternal Legion - middle-age (late bet
Tried out the lava elementals now. These guys are really good. But I think you should keep them as they are, just change the spell into a battlefield summon like the other elementals.
You combined the power of both fire and earth and turned them into permanent armies. A 0 enc trampler with a fireshield is badass. Underwater lava elemtentals are bit odd. Shouldn't these guys turn into regular earth elementals when cooled down?
The immortal undead are overpowered. An army of liches? With these guys around you're just about unbeatable inside your own dominion. Remove the #immortal command and they would be just fine. I understand the concept your going for, eternal champions, but isn't covered by the fact that the units can be "resummoned" when they fall.
But if you want to keep the immortal nature of these units you could easily change them into national heroes. That way you keep the concept but limit the numbers. The CBM has similar heroes for LA Agartha, and they work really well.