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Old April 12th, 2008, 01:28 PM
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Default Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)

I had to download the latest version and finally give them a serious try in an SP game. Skaven are one of my warhammer tabletop favorites so I had to try this puppy out!

All the construct spells are really cool although I haven't been able to get a bell up yet. At first I saw all these nasty artillery troops and was concerned about how powerful they appeared until I started fighting other nations rather than just the indies. I have just started getting my blood economy rolling, so have not tried any of those summons as of yet.

The doomwheels are nasty, if vulnerable due to their low health compared to their size. So they definitely remind me of my tabletop uses of these things. Nicely done.

The warp firethrowers also fit the tabletop version well. Adding the damaged immobile version was a nice touch.

Are the warp lightningthrowers your own invention, or were they added after I stopped playing WFB? Either way they certainly fit the Skaven theme quite well.

I didn't see the Jezzail teams. Not sure if they are no longer part of the official canon or if you had not, or were not going to include them. Either way is fine,just an observation. I did enjoy some luck with them, taking down my friend Dave's dryads at long range with my Jezzail teams will always have a special place for me.

Ah,the poisoned wind globadiers. I have a fond recollection of these guys from a massive good vs evil game of WFB we played back when a bunch of us had a wargame club back in Michigan. I was Skaven and Chaos Dwarves mixed, allied to 2 friends that were the Dark Elves and Orcs & Goblins. We were matched against 3 other friends playing the Empire, Dwarves, and the Wood Elves. At one point I had asked Nelson if he would be ok with me hurling some globes over his cold ones, informing him of the possibility of deviation. He gave me the ok but of course 1 globe had to hit his riders. Gotta love the random Skaven war machines!

The army truly feels like the skaven army as I tend to do more casualties to myself than my enemies do! I tried not using melee troops or setting them on hold and attack, since they get hammered by my own warpfire, warplightning, and the poisoned globes, but then the enemy just slammed into my vulnerable artillery and I'd rather lose my easily replaceable melee than my artillery pieces. Setting them on fire rear(for the doomwheels) and fire archers or cavalry isn't helping a lot and I cringe every time I watch the mass fire land squarely on my my melee blocks and watch my poor little rats fall to our own twisted inventions! This is spot on for the Skaven so again well done!
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Egad! I hope not! That's where I keep all my stuff!
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