Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
I'm glad you enjoyed the mod! :]
I kept Skaven tactics in mind at all times when making the nation. Hence most armies are plenty of cheap but fairly effective melee troops backed up by extremely powerful but unreliable magical and experimental weapons. The skavenslaves are particularly good for this purpose because they can only lose 1 guy from 3 each time a jet of fire or blast of warplightning falls on them, due to their usage of secondshape. They do suck at fighting, but you can always cast death frenzy on them.
2 units that I chose to leave out of the game were the ratling gun and jezzail teams. I did this because I felt gunpowder weapons don't fit in dom3. They don't work very well under the combat system and there aren't any gunpowder units in the base game. The warplightning throwers are based on the warp lightning cannon weapon from WHFB, but again I don't think big high firepower warmachines fit that well with dom3 (which doesn't feature catapults, mangonels, trebuchets, ballistas etc) so I converted it to be similar to the warpfire thrower.
Doomwheels were simply too fun for me to leave out. I don't know if they're really worth the cost in gems and research and stuff, but they're a lot of fun. If you manage to buff them (body ethereal being the classic) they can be very nasty indeed.