Re: Mod: The Eternal Legion - middle-age (late bet
Yeah, I can compress in .zip format.
My winzip program expired and won't work without registration, but WinRAR seems to be able to compress as .zip as well. So i'll do that.
Thanks for the input, and don't worry, i'm not offended by any "criticism" - i find it helpful
I know I have to make some adjustments.
I pretty much dialed in all the values off the top of my head, and hadn't really done a lot of game-testing. A lot of the indy units such as the priest offset some of the balance I wanted to achieve.
I fixed the summon costs for elementals, but the other technical problems haven't been addressed.
As for gameplay, I defiantly agree about the immortal units being overpowered. Instead of eliminating them, i am going to try to quintuple their gem cost and increase the research and summon requirements. They now cost 5 and 10 gems each.
Mercenary units and the mercenary commander have been altered to cost 0 resources. The melee merc has been reduced to 30 gold and the ranged merc has been improved slightly. The commander has been reduced to 90 gold.
Now, you can hire a full 40 man squad for 1290 gold and 0 resources. Of course, their wages will be almost 100 gold per turn, but they are decent troops. Perhaps they should not be included in normal armies in large numbers, but they should be useful regardless.
Devoted militia now cost 5 gold and have been slowed down to 1/7 movement speed and now have 5 encumbrance. Their morale is also down slightly. Resource cost slightly reduced. They can be somewhat powerful with good blessings.
Stalwart heavy infantry have been slightly reduced in costs. Battle Maidens have been reduced in cost to 45. They now have high magic resistance and some reinvigoration, while their berserk ability has been reduced to 1.
All summons now cost more gems and research and magic levels have been improved.
National mages have been altered slightly.
The Gold Standard priest/commander unit now has a lower resource cost and priest level 2.
The mounted commander unit has been reduced in cost to 330/60, has improved leadership abilities and has lost all death magic.
The kunoichi assassin now dual wields and has ambidexterity.
Anyway, thanks for the input. Might still need a little more adjustment. At some point i will get to fixing up the graphics a little bit as well.
Here is a full list of changes I have made:
Stalwart: (Heavy Infantry)
gcost -5
rcost -5
prec: -1
Devoted: (Holy militia)
AP -3
Map Move -1
Morale -1
rcost -2
enc +1
Crimson Guard: (Melee Mercenary)
gcost -15
rcost -3 (0)
Crimson Rogue: (Ranged Merc)
morale +1
prec +1
rcost -3 (0)
Battle Maiden: (capital specific melee)
gcost -15
mr +5
berserk -2
reinvigoration +3
heals afflictions
Crimson Commander: (merc commander)
gcost -30
rcost -9 (0)
pillagebonus +15
hp +1
mr +1
prec +1
lose Crossbow
upgrade helmet
Gold Standard: (gold priest)
rcost -15
Holy power -> lv2
Dark Lord: (cavalry general)
gcost -90
rcost -5
morale +2
lose all death magic
Kunoichi: (assassin/spy)
gcost -15
stealth -5
ambidextrous +2
(now dual wields)
Deathmaster: (Death Magic Spellcaster)
gcost +60
Death Magic +1
Fire Magic -1
#fear 1
#forgebonus 20
gcost +30
researchbonus 3
Eternal Legion: (immortal undead melee)
AP -1
Def -1
Summoncost -> 5 gems ea.
Eternal Rider: (immortal undead horseman)
Summoncost -> 10 gems ea.
Lava Elemental: (small lava elemental)
Protection -4
lose pooramphibian
Summoncost -> 10 gems ea.
Lava Giant: (large lava elemental)
Protection -2
lose pooramphibian
Summoncost -> 60 gems
gcost -30
pathcost -25 (25)
Loses deathmagic
Loses earthmagic
Firemagic +2 (3)
Legionnaire Reborn"
Cost 1deathgems -> 5deathgems
Req -> lv 2 deathmagic
Stalwart Score"
Cost 20death -> 100deathgems
Req -> lv 5 deathmagic
Research level -> lv 4
Legion Reborn - removed
Rider Reborn:
Cost 2deathgems -> 10deathgems
Req -> lv 3 deathmagic
Research level -> lv 2
Thirteen Riders:
Cost 26deathgems -> 130deathgems
Req -> lv 4 deathmagic
Research level -> lv 6
Lord's Runion -> Lord's Return:
Cost 50deathgems -> 75deathgems
Req -> lv 6 deathmagic
Lava Elemental:
Cost 3 firegems -> 10firegems
Req -> lv2 fire, lv1 earth
Lava Elementals:
Cost 18 firegems -> 60firegems
Req -> lv3 fire, lv2 earth
Lava Giant:
Cost 30 firegems -> 60 firegems
Req -> lv4 fire, lv2 earth