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Old April 14th, 2008, 11:21 AM
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DonCorazon DonCorazon is offline
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Default Re: The Fall of Demon Monkeys - Picture by Fomori

Velusion said:
Don't trust a word either say - especially Vanheim. They will promise anything to anyone to get what they want, but in the end they are always allies!

Do not let the death cries of a bitter and defeated nation sway you.

Our trading partners and NAP friends can attest to the honor of Vanheim.

Back to the game and having fun:

Vanheim shall be releasing a new version of the DRX 9000, the latest in Dwarven Hammer technology with a new flexi-grip shaft. While it provides the same forging bonus as a regular Dwarven Hammer, it is much more stylish and reduces blistering on those tough 40+ gem forge jobs.

PM your offers to DC.

i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.
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