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Old April 15th, 2008, 02:10 AM
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Lingchih Lingchih is offline
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Default Re: Hats\' Off!

Yes, good game meister_miagi. I (Ermor) was really torn about attacking you. You had been a great neighbor all game, but after I saw everyone else ganking you, well, I figured I had to have a piece of the pie too.

Well, that small piece of pie was very costly. I lost the only groups I could call armies in totality, and gained only three provinces. Provinces I cannot defend, now that Caelum swoops down on us.

In retrospect, I should have ignored the calls to attack you, and instead fortified my eastern border with Caelum. After all, we knew he would attack sooner or later. Now Caelum sweeps over us like a great high tide, and we can do little to stop them.

Ahh, well. We will fight to the end, as always.
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