Re: Hall of Doh!
MP game deep in late game, the sort of stage where dozens of mages accompany armies and gems are downed like candy to power massive battle spells.
1) Attack an opponent's capital with my most powerful mage-buffed army. Win and start sieging. Forget to transfer to my battlecasters the 60 or so extra gems I had brought along on stealthed units for just that purpose. Watch many of my most powerful mages and army units slaughtered when my opponent sallies forth.
2) Get counterattacked, and now playing against two opponents. Send out one particular caster to support the defenses. He gets killed. The global he had cast previously goes poof.
3) Opponent is sieging my castle. Bring leaders and units from many directions to oust him. Forget to set the heavy spellcasters on "Move and Patrol". Army gets slaughtered while the heavies sit in the castle playing with their purdy gems.
All in the same game. All within five turns of each other.