C'tis is not known for our sense of humor, but the Bakemono sure know how to make a lizard laugh!
Pythium has not only higher gem income than C'tis, they also have the Sickle Whose Crop Is Pain. C'tis had a scout in a barbarian province just this month, and Pythium picked up 30 death gems from that battle! That's in addition to their gem income that's already higher than that of C'tis.
C'tis has pretty much maxed out on research, but it doesn't do a whole lot of good when C'tis doesn't have casters for Fog Warriors and nice stuff like that, which Pythium has. Did you not see the battle in Vanheim's capitol? Gem income is absolutely the most critical aspect of the game at this point. Well, research too, but it's only critical to have enough research, not to max out every single path.
C'tis can summon and GoR one Tartarian a turn, and maybe give him some okay gear. Pythium can summon at least three a turn, three just from the Sickle income alone, and they have the Aegis, Mage Bane, the Sickle, and nearly all the other good artifacts, except for the Chalice and the Scepter of Dark Regency. And it's not hard to take those away from me, with Pythium's ability to Wish.
Not that Pythium needs the Chalice, since they have Gift of Health up. Not that Pythium needs Tartarians, since they've got a legion of Harbringers in the Hall of Fame. But if they do want some Tartarian buddies for their angels, they also still have had Mother Oak up since the beginning of the game, so GoR is not a problem for them.
The only thing standing between C'tis and destruction is Invincible Agartha, who blocks the route of Pythium into our swamps which they seem to covet so dearly.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.