Re: Pythium
Pythium's only mages with death magic is its pretender, and 1 lamia queen. pythium's highest d mage of the 2 he has, is a level 3 d mage. Unlike Ctis, Pythium has no gor tartarians, or immortal demilichs.
Pythium highest s mage is 4s, and cannot even sniff wishing. Plus, pythium in an earlier handshake deal promised not to wish your chalice away, and pythium does not break his word or forget his promises.
Pythium tried unsuccessfully to trade ryleh for a 5s starspawn-in case Pythium ever did want to wish for something. Ryleh said he did not have any for trade. So Pythium's highest s mage remains 4s, and only a fool would empower a mage with extreme old age from 4 to 6. And i certainly have not.
While Pythium does have a large gem income, a huge chunk of that is from gale gate, and no one ever won a big mp game on the back of air gems. In crunch time, the game will be decided by s and d gems. And my d gem income is meager despite the sickle. There are not many barbarian provinces in the South, which is why i had to snag one in agartha's area(with his permission). btw, he did not snag 30, but 23.
So on most every turn, the sickle is idle. But if anyone in the world needs barbarians cleared from a province, send me a message. I am your man!
Besides I was trying to crown you champion VFB, you should accept your crown. you are much too modest.
Pythium is also the only race to promise not to cast arcane nexus, bot, utterdark, and astral corruption. The big fear of s gems is arcane nexus, and i have removed that weapon from my arsenal.
Besides who could siege those castles in that disease dominion?
Also tartarians have a wide variety of magic, and many of them have 3 air. So you do in fact have mages that can cast fog warriors, or any other combat spell your heart desires.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.