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Old April 17th, 2008, 10:40 AM

Edratman2 Edratman2 is offline
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Default Re: Urdheim, The Infinite Horde

I think the mod is wonderful. I took the liberty of moving them to MA (because that's my preferred era) and always set them as an opponent, mainly because I don't like to play blood.

The AI plays them great. They are always one of the top 2 or 3 strongest foes (including LA Ermor) which I also moved to MA. That probably means that they are over powered, but I don't care. The AI could use a dozen more nations like them.

At impossible/aggressive settings the Kobalds always give me a run for my money. What more could you ask?

And the sprites are outstanding. Much better than anything I have ever done. I have to admit that I also changed the colors of a few to use for my modded monsters because they are so good.
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