Holy_bricklayer said:
Just a question for marignon, where did that army came from ? I didn't see it coming ^^
And damn, how is it possible to lose a god on province with few or maybe even no defense ? :/
The one in Pholothras, now standing around in Alman? They were inside the fort biding their time. I wanted to break the siege many turns ago but I was worried that the dragon and his army would move back to help the siege along.
As for the god, as ComTrav said it was the hostile dominion that did you in -- I had 8 or 9 candles in that province, which translated into an 80% hitpoint reduction for your god. Also both the dragon and your army stayed back, allowing my crossbowmen a dozen or so turns to fire on you unmolested. Apart from that there were no tricks -- I had no troops or commanders there, only a provincial defence of 20.
By the way, how do you like those angels? Though your surprisingly massive PD got my harbinger this turn.