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Old April 18th, 2008, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: Blast from the Past, Return of the Underkings

Changelog added to the second post.
First post has a few more things included (in blue for ease of reading).

I've been working on Underheim for quite a bit more this week, and progress is good, I added two new pretenders, some more spells, and tweaked stats around. The second pretender was inspired by some interesting stories about the Bergrisar, and I think many of you will really like it. I feel much better now about the pretender selection, and feel the spell selection is robust enough. As for actually running playtest games from start to finish, I haven't actually gotten to that yet (as new inspirations keep coming). Despite some ideas still remaining, I'm going to refrain from adding anything more.

So until I run some games through to completion,... you'll all just have to be patient.
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