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Old April 19th, 2008, 11:06 AM

Edratman2 Edratman2 is offline
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Default Re: Blast from the Past, Return of the Underkings

I'm slowly developing a mod using a human race that I call builders. I'm making a summonable unit that might fit in well with your dwarves because of their constuction skills.

The unit is a siege tower. It is summonable, fairly pricey, with requirements that match the base magic skills of the best mage of the nation who I've given 1 magic point in a path that is unique among all other recruitables. It'll have a siege bonus of 25 to 100 (still developing that) with very low attack, defense and HP values along with negative 100% resistance to fire, shock etc. Also it would have 0 mp and 3 ap. It has no usable function other than to accelerate breaching the castle walls.

My thinking on the unit is that you have to sally forth to destroy it, much like I've seen in a hundred movies.

Your a much better modder than I , so you would probably do the thought justice if you think it is viable. If not, I'll creep along with my development.
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