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Old April 19th, 2008, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open

Valerius said:
Cerlin, welcome to the game. WL, it's been a lot of fun battling it out, have a great vacation.

Baalz, if you'd like I can take over admin duties.
Thank you Valerius.
You know, I've got to hand it to you, you're one helluva cunning and tenacious enemy. Geez, next time I end up your neighbor I'll think long and hard before attacking you. You did very well in your campaign against me and I've enjoyed the excitement as well.
I recall Jurri describing, IIRC, RZ as his kryptonite, during this game I've started to think of you on the same terms. It seems you have an uncanny ability to predict my moves. Mind you I've tried to change pace, tactics and strategy vs. you several times this game and you seemed to predict those changes as well. I think the most likely explanation is we have a very similar thinking pattern or something.
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