zenphos: I'll be happy to give C'tis over to the new guy as soon as possible, saves my time. However, you should make it perfectly clear to the new sub that C'tis has exactly 0% chance of winning this game and huge chance of dying soon because noone has attacked Man, as I had hoped, to take some heat off C'tis back. So Man has been able to put all of its' resources against the lizardmen. Even though I've beat Man's army three times now(I did lose some valuable commanders in the most recent fight though), conquered a few new provinces and build a second lab & temple for the nation, there's no way I(or the new guy) can fight prolonged fight against Man, who has the income and research and army size of C'tis three times over, without any help.
So if the new sub likes impossible challenges and still wants to sub, he can take over immediately and I wish him good luck.

If not, I'll put C'tis under AI on turn 36.