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Old April 21st, 2008, 04:38 AM
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Default Re: The Promised Land

ComTrav said:
Going to add nature gems to the list of gems I want.
You're in luck. Eriu has a bunch.

As to Marignon, I'll catch Tomaso sooner or later.
I'm sure you will. I have nowhere to run, after all. My goal at this point is to grab as much territory as I can and then set it on fire. (Though I haven't been fully effective at that; if I was thinking straight, I would have dismantled my forts as you approached them. It only takes you a turn to crack them open, anyway.)

I'm still a little surprised you decided to put all your effort into attacking Caelum rather than stand and defend your capital.
After the battles at Solian, my capital became indefensible. Even without the eastern distraction, I probably would have lost it at least temporarily. (I'm surprised you assaulted my other fortress first, by the way; I was expecting you to go straight for the capital.)

In any case, I had basically three choices: attack you and ignore Caelum, attack Caelum and ignore you, and attack both of you. For the first, if I was really lucky I might have been able to fight you to a standstill... until the resurgent Caelum destroys me. The third would almost certainly lead to defeat in detail to no effect. That left the second option, which also leads to my destruction but it also drags one of you down with me. If there was a route to victory that I overlooked I'd sure like to hear about it.

Your angels are rather impressive, but I remind you you are not the only one in Primea capable of outfitting (or countering) Thugs.
I assure you, I am fully aware of your capabilities. (Also, due to the loss of gem income, I am no longer particularly capable of outfitting thugs. I don't suppose you could port in another one of those golem gift packages? )

Anyone have news of the Atlantis/Agartha conflict? Agartha seems to have taken back some territory in the past few turns.
Atlantis took one of Agartha's forts a couple turns back, and is now sieging the capital.
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