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Old April 21st, 2008, 08:29 AM

Edratman2 Edratman2 is offline
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Default Re: Urdheim, The Infinite Horde

My mistake about the blood. I only played them once and am working on my own mod (to be Builders or Engineers if I am ever figure out how to balance them. If not, I am happy playing a strong nation).

I am playing a heavily modded game. The map I am using is one of the game maps, "Glory". It has approx 250 provinces.
It is a MA game with my mod nation (under development), mod nations Urdheim, Skaven, Desdares, Avernium along with moved era nations LA Ermor, Bogarius (LA), EA Helheim and 10 to 15 standard MA random foes (always the 3 water nations selected).

All AI's are set on impossible-aggressive. Gold and resources vary between 150 and 300. (Urd success seems faily immune to variation, most everyone else responds well to higher gold/resources.) Magic sites are set at 100. Research is normal. Indy's at 9.

I see a lot of the creatures with sprites scion2 and some of the sprite scion1 (very nice sprites, by the way. I've recolored scion2 for myself. Hope you don't mind.). I suspect this is the primary source of the strength, but do not really know. They are vulnerable to an attack with a strong bless, but what isn't?

I really like that single kobald (the miner??)that keeps popping up all over the place. I've lost provinces to the little bugger when I forgot to PD them.

The castles may be a bit expensive. Kobalds do not seem to have as high a castle ratio/province as the water nations or some of the other AI's. Next game that I start I'll probably do something about that. The thread on the main page about castles has gotten me thinking about them and I'm planning to change all the mod nations to Wizards tower in all locations as an experiment to see how the AI deals with it.

I do not know if they are not balanced. All I can say is that the AI really plays them well.
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