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Old April 21st, 2008, 03:52 PM
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Jazzepi Jazzepi is offline
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Default Re: Game started!

Cor2 said:
Score: Ctis 540-Ermor 18.

Haha. Welcome to the bone meal factory Ermor! You picked the wrong nation to mess with. We have H3 preists and easy acess to wither bones.

Pangea, we hate you. You have doomed the world. We would have destroyed ermor. What would we have gained for a troubles? desolate land. But you colluded with the evil hordes of undead.

We will make you pay before we go. Enjoy your pillaged lands.

We encourage all nations to invade Pangea while they are weak, before they can consolidate the gains of our home lands.
Mmmn, bone meal factory.

Can you make us some undead catbread? Maybe we'll return you your capital if you're nice and make us enough.

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