Re: Age of Wonders Mod
Thanks Edi!
Here is what I am thinking: Julia will be available for least seven different nations. I could make her a hero for each unit, a unique summon, or both. If she's a hero, the she could appear multiple times (one for each nation), but each nation would get her only once, but it would be unpredictable when and if she would appear. If she's a summon, then I could restrict access to her by requiring research, magic paths, and magic gems, to acquire her, and I could make her unique, but if she dies, she could be summoned (resurrected?) anew, and moreover, another nation could probably swipe her away since she is available to multiple nations. I could of course do both: make a hero Julia and a unique summon Julia with a different unit number. Here, of course, there really could be two of her, if you both get her as a hero and summon her, but if you do get her as a hero, she can't be swiped from under your nose by another player casting the same summon. A final thing I can do, of course, is just add Julia to the list of female names - of course, then there could again be more than one Julia, but that could be explained that they are different people who just happen to have the same name!
Speaking of which, I'm trying to understand how heroes are named. Are the name tables reiterated for each nation, or how do you make sure that a hero has a specific name? I don't see a #heroname command. Are the custom name lists specific to each nation, i.e. if I, say, give the Elves two heroes (say, Julia and Elric), and give the Dark Elves two heroes (Meandor and Melenis), would modding name lists 127 and 128 separately for the Elves and Dark Elves respectively allow me to ensure these names? Certainly the nations in the game have heroes with specific names, many of them more than two such heroes!