Promised land ?
"Shinuyama should not go on with that harmless banter. You had in hands one of the main powers in the world, and couldn't beat any of us in a much too long war.
I must add that I didn't get more than 200 gold / month worth reinforcements for 20 month now (maybe even more), and still for those months you failed to beat me. You turned (unlike your predecessor) your attention to me, and let bandar log take your territory, and build an army so strong that he doesn't need me anymore to beat you.
Bleed me out ? Let me laugh. I'd already dead, left behind in research, left behind in magic, left behind in income, and only through sheer skills and willpower did I manage to survive for so long. There was nothing to bleed in the swamp that make my land to begin with. I accepted the fact that I'm going to be crushed as soon as this war is over about 20 turns ago, as I started it ! I even know the name of my future killers, for there is but 3 neighbours left to me now.
You, however, should do the same and start accepting the reality of your situation. I will remind you that you had half of your loss against my army, the other half against bandar log (which had at the start of this war the smallest military of all nations). You, my opponent, have been fighting a losing war for ages and after all that time, you still somehow fail to see it.
This may be a bit too much information to say, but, my dear opponent, I have to tell you this. You have been fighting against me, neither of us has an advantage on the battleground, and the weapons given to us where :
- 3 times more gold and gem income for you,
- my beloved maenads.
I look forward to even more wailing on your part. Go on ranting about my bleeding ! For I am a master of blood magic and not afraid of a few drinks ! Especially when my opponent doesn't realize that the blood he sees is his own. I'm just sad that I'll be thirsty soon..."
Lady lover, God of Pangaea.
Often I must speak other than I think. That is called diplomacy.
* Stilgar
Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you a cover up. Real boats rock.
* Darwi Odrade