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Old April 23rd, 2008, 02:16 PM
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Hadrian_II Hadrian_II is offline
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Default Re: Peace with Pythium

Xox said:
Way back before we were at war Pangea (Hadrian_II) bombarded me with 20-40 "rain of toads" before he even notified me our 3 turn nap was terminated.

Impressive use of that spell, and it did do a good job of wrecking my economy before we even went to war (officially).

However.... Everyone be aware that Hadrian does not honor his non aggression treaties.
The glorious nation of Pangaea is appaled by the malificent lies of the dark and evil Empire of Jotunheim. Pangaea invaded Jotunheim on a humanitarian mission as even the cold grip of the Lich oppressing the Giant was not able to supress all opposition in his lands. When the Demons of Shinuyama would not have rescued their evil allies, then the reinvigorating presence of Pangaea would have have been able to rebuild the economy of the oppressed lands. Scouts report, that unrest in the Jotun capital is still way to high to support unit recruitments.

Hadrian-II of Pangaea

OOC: im now playing dom3 since it is out, and i have never ever broken a NAP. You on the other hand tryed to get an advantage by attacking me one turn before the 3 Turn grace period was off.

Rain of Toad is an anonymous ritual and therefore casting it cant be a violation of a NAP as no one did it. NAPs that include a ban of anonymous rituals or sneaking in troops are metagaming and i consider that quite lame.

Offcourse i did cast the rituals, so i did not whine in the forum when you really broke our nap.

and btw. calling other players liers because they are not metagamers like you are is rude.
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